'Real Housewives of New York City' star Alex McCord helps open Lincoln Park store

Alex McCord made an appearance at Second Time Around's opening on Wednesday.
I know as much about "The Real Housewives of New York City" as I do about women's clothing, which is pretty much nothing. And yet, there I was on Wednesday surrounded by NYC housewife Alex McCord and racks of dresses, skirts and tops.
It was the opening of Second Time Around (823 W. Armitage), which is a high-end thrift store for women. There are 19 of them on the East Coast and Wednesday's event celebrated the first store opening in Chicago.
The event was pretty crowded -- keep in mind it's a store, not a bar -- and it included cocktails and hors d'oeuvres ranging from duck to mini-hamburgers. There were photographers on hand taking pictures of the well-dressed guests and, of course, the Bravo reality TV star.
My first impression of Alex was "Man, she's a lot taller than I imagined." Fortunately for me -- and my dignity -- somebody corrected me 20 minutes later, before I could make a fool of myself.
"Alex is actually the one in the red," said one person.
So yeah, close call. I did eventually introduce myself to Alex, who is a graduate of Northwestern, and I snapped the picture that you see above. It's not as high quality as the pictures the photographers were taking, but I'm just thankful I took a photo of the right person.