Second Time Around Opens Uptown Location With Alex McCord

[All photos by BEN GABBE for PMc]. Alex McCord hostessed the launch of the new Second Time Around Upper East Side location, yesterday. With husband Simon van Kempen in tow, she welcomed fellow NY Housewives Bethenny Frankel, Ramona Singer and Kelly Killoren Bensimon to browse the upscale resale racks, as well as Susan Shin, Nick Dietz, Anisha Lakhani, Tia Walker and Jared Clark.
Before whipping out the always-ready wallet, those enjoying the 22nd opening for the popular consignment chain also snacked on mini cupcakes and champagne before shopping to benefit The Bottomless Closet.
Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Emma Snowdon-Jones
Alex McCord, Anisha Lakhani, Michel Witmer, Edward Garou,
Simon van Kempen
Tia Walker, Alegra Torel, Peggie Walker
Robin Ross, Justine McCarthy, Jenny McGirl
Jared Clark, Alex McCord,Marissa Meloski, Jeff Casler, Emerald Gravel
Chevelley Vidal, Robin Ross, Alegra Torel, Despina Crassa, Tara Facco
Alex McCord, Susan Shin, Nick Dietz, Jeff Casler, Susan Casler
Derek Warburton, Robin Ross
Robin Ross, Justine McCarthy, Jenny McGirl
By Sarah Mandato Nov 4, 2009 12:15 pm